Cheers to December – A Time For Reflection
I am sitting here in front of my computer, reflecting on the last month of the year. I want to say something profound and deeply meaningful, but it’s cold and overcast outside. My fingers feel like icicles. Briefly gone is the warm sun. The cold air takes over and wins. Winter is coming… (yup, I went there.)
Rather than a complaint about December and its weather, we should be grateful for it.
With the holidays upon us, December is one of the most celebrated months of the year. The anticipation of Christmas. That one day, where magical times are spent with friends and family to honor our cultures, religions, and traditions.
It is also a time to reflect on the year and take note of your accomplishments. How much you have grown and the impact you have made on this planet. Perhaps you started a new side hustle, read on a daily basis, or are parents raising children. You are a future shaper and should be applauded for your loving effort. I say love because it is not work if you love what you do.
Yes, there were those challenges, bad or sad, that we faced, but preferred not to have. But those are valuable moments as well. It is at those times life shows us what we are made up of. When we chose not to give in to the dark but learned to lean into the light. We understand that when facing fear head-on, we will overcome it.
Let’s look at December as a time to celebrate the Year. 
Let’s not stress ourselves out trying to get everything done just right and on time. Let’s celebrate how awesome we are that we show up every day, ready to go! It’s not how you are on that one magical day, but how you live your life throughout the year that matters. Cheers to the December month of reflection!
Therefore, I celebrate all of you! Cheers to a fabulous year! It is the warmth we receive from others that warms the heart and keeps us comforted during the winter season. I can already feel myself thawing my fingers as they start to tingle!
Best Stone for Reflection:
Moonstone is known for its pureness and milky appearance. Like the Moon, it glows and has a reflective quality, giving this stone the ability to help one reflect on opportunities and intuitive wisdom. It allows us to think before we react. It is a stone of new beginnings, drawing on past experiences to transition into new opportunities.
If you are entering a situation that may trigger an emotional reaction, wear Moonstone to help soften the blow and allow you to respond wisely. Moonstone allows us to draw energy from the Universe and guide us to follow and understand our destiny.
December Facts:
December comes from the Latin word decem, meaning “ten.” Back in ancient times, there were originally only 10 months in the year. In 715 BC, January and February were added at the end of the calendar, and in 46 BC, Julius Caesar moved the two months to the beginning of the year based on the Earth’s revolution around the Sun.
Paperwhite – Hope, and faithfulness. Unconditional love for your beloved.
Holly – Wish for domestic happiness. Symbol of fertility and eternal life.
Turquoise – Good fortune and success. Balances and aligns the chakras; stabilizing mood swings and instilling inner calm.
Full Moon:
Saturday, December 18 – The Cold Moon
Meteor Shower:
Monday, December 13 after 9 pm – Geminid – the most active meteor shower of the year.
Winter Equinox:
Tuesday, December 21 – Marks the beginning of Winter and the shortest day of the year.
Notable Figures Born in December:
Walt Disney
Emily Dickinson
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Henri Matisse