Three Best Crystals for Social Anxiety

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For those who are facing an upcoming New Year’s Eve party and are anxious about being away from your safe and cozy home and being forced to venture out to meet new people… raise your hand!  Yes, this is a real thing. How do I know?  Because this is me. I have chosen the three best crystals for social anxiety.

Whether it be a holiday party, speaking engagement, or a networking event, social anxiety can present itself at different times.

In large groups, I tend to feel more awkward and a bit more self-conscious.  I would prefer to be alone with my own thoughts, or out with a few close friends than to be compelled to make small talk with a complete stranger. Please don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t mean I do not like people.  It has to do more with myself than with others.

Perhaps it’s the fear of being judged, or saying something completely stupid, but.… in any case, in those rare times that I have to be around large groups of people, I rise to the occasion and call on my extroverted side.  To raise my physical confidence, I may spend a few extra minutes on my hair and makeup, or wear the perfect outfit.  Listening to an uplifting song helps raise my inner vibration.  I also like to sit quietly for a few minutes meditating with my crystals.  I visualize being present and engaging when meeting new people.  Either way, it’s a social muscle that needs to be worked on.  Once developed, it will come easier.

Although I feel self-conscious in large gatherings, I feel 100% confident when I am at an event selling my jewelry or brainstorming business ideas with colleagues.  It is what I live and breathe, so this comes naturally to me.  It is the times outside of those areas that I need to work on.

Here is one key tip I have learned.

Do not care what others may think of you.  More than likely, they are not even thinking about you.  They are more worried about themselves and how they are presenting themselves.

If you are looking to boost your social life, but suffer from social anxiety, it is a good idea to start off slowly.  Join a small networking group that meets up for coffee.  Remember, people in networking groups are looking to connect with others, just as you are. Or, create your own social group.  My friends and I would meet once a month (pre-pandemic). We are all into self-development, so it was a perfect fit.

I believe in being mindful of your thoughts.

Crystals are a great way to keep your emotions and vibrations positive and to help support you through challenging social situations.

I’ve chosen the three best crystals for social anxiety.

three best crystals for social anxietyPyrite – Serves as a protective barrier against negativity.  It helps keep negative feelings away and keeps you grounded and prevents your feelings from taking over your actions. It helps you stay focused on empowering thoughts that promote self-worth and keep nervous tension at bay.

Sodalite – This deep blue stone brings balance and stability in chaotic, stressful situations.  It helps you return to your center, promotes self-awareness, enhances communication skills, and facilitates emotional expression.

Red Jasper – This earthy stone nurtures you to view people all as one so there is no fear in talking to others.  Red Jasper promotes warmth and connection and helps to see that we are all in this together.

Therefore, my wish for you in social situations is that you begin to feel more comfortable in your own skin.  Be yourself, be kind, be mindful, and match the energy from your crystals (like attracts like), and most importantly, stop worrying what others think of you… really, it’s none of your business.  🙂