The Power of Gratitude

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Do you practice gratitude?  It’s easy…

Gratitude is considered one of the most powerful positive emotions one can experience.  It improves our mental health; strengthens our relationships with others and promotes happiness.  Living life with gratitude helps us to slow down and appreciate the little things.  It could be as simple as a stranger with a cart full of groceries, allowing you to step ahead of them in line with your one item; a jaw-dropping fall sunset, or that first sip of coffee in the morning… (that’s me!). It’s these tiny moments when strung together that create our ability to live in the moment and yes…live our best lives. That’s why I’ve chosen the three best crystals for gratitude.

Simply stated, when we notice all the good around us, it brings out the good within us.

best crystals for gratitude

Likewise, if you focus on the bad stuff, then yes, bad stuff will appear all the time… where your focus goes, that’s what grows.  When something good happens, sit in it for a while. Bask in the warmth of all those feelings evoked during that moment and acknowledge it.   That is gratitude.  It is here for everyone.

With all the busy holidays coming soon, it is a good time to practice gratitude.  At the end of the day, I like to write in my book three things I am grateful for that day.  It makes me think and relive the moment.  Then soon after, I started to look for those moments during the course of the day.  A stop, drop, and slow down… a reminder to be present.

If you need assistance, you can always lean on our good friends, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, and Aventurine to bring more awareness for gratitude.

Here are how these best crystals for gratitude can help:

Rose Quartz is all about love.  Not only romantic love but love on all levels.  Rose Quartz vibrates gentle nurturing energies of gratitude and helps to cultivate a full and thankful heart.  It is the stone of compassion and uses its pink light to radiate its energy out to others.

Amethyst is my all-purpose, go-to stone.  A powerful stone, it helps guide us to open our eyes and see and be thankful for all that we have.   This stone works with the crown chakra to promote inner peace and transformation; keeping you calm so you can focus on what is present.

Green Aventurine has a strong connection to Earth.  Its abundant vibration helps us to appreciate nature and the life around us.  It encourages us to view life’s hardships as lessons and opportunities for growth; inspiring a feeling of lightness and renewed optimism.  It is the emotional anchor that we need to remain stable and grounded.

To help you in your gratitude practice, keep or wear these gemstones because these are the best crystals for gratitude. Use them as a reminder to seek out those little moments that bring out positive emotions and happiness.

Sit quietly and meditate on them.  You can use guided meditation to help promote gratitude.  I like to pop in my earbuds and check out the selection on YouTube.  Guided meditation works best for me, as it gives me something to focus on.

Therefore, setting a few minutes out of the day for a gratitude practice can help us to appreciate what we have, what the earth provides, and all the miracles that happen around us on a daily basis.

November Facts:

November is the 11th month of the year and is derived from the Latin root, meaning “nine”.  Originally, there were 10 months in the year based on the Roman calendar, until January and February were added.

It is the time of year we celebrate our Veterans, give thanks at Thanksgiving, and Hanukkah begins. In the US, Daylight Saving Time ends and we turn back our clocks one hour, so the days are shorter and nights longer.   The cold weather settles in and everything turns Pumpkin Apple spice.

Birthstone for November:


Chrysanthemum – Friendship, trust, joy, optimism, longevity, and fidelity.


Yellow Topaz – Strengthens faith and optimism.  Brings joy, generosity, abundance, and good health.

Citrine – Attracts wealth, prosperity, and success.  Promotes creativity and encourages self-expression.

Full Moon:

Friday, November 19 – The Full Beaver Moon

Notable Figures Born in November:

Marie Curie
Georgia O’Keeffe
Charles Schulz
Mark Twain