How To Cleanse and Charge Crystals; Are They the Same Thing?
How to cleanse and charge your crystals? I thought I would write a blog on one of the most asked questions I get,
“How and when should I cleanse my crystals; and is cleansing and charging them the same thing? “
We all have been to crystal shops and with wide eyes, admired all of the beautiful, magical stones available.
However, to get to you, these crystals had to be mined, cleaned, and sometimes carved and tumbled. From there, they are packaged and shipped across miles to be received by a store owner, whose employees arrange these beauties out for sale. Customers will be naturally drawn to pick them up and hold them in their hands to feel their energy… In this small journey to get to you, the crystal has been handled by many.
These sensitive, high vibrational pieces from the Earth absorb and radiate energy. They vibrate at the same frequency as us humans. So, they are as attracted to us as we are to them! Crystals have memory, and through time and handling, they will start to accumulate and build up energy.
Therefore, it is best to cleanse your crystals when you first receive them. From there, you can set a schedule. For instance, once a month during the full moon would be a perfect time for this ritual. Or, if your crystal has been exposed to negative energy, a quick cleanse never hurts.
Is there a difference between cleansing and charging a crystal?
Cleanse – clearing crystal of any stale energy.
Charge – replace depleted energy from continuous use of a crystal.
Yes, there is. Cleansing crystals is the act of removing stale, negative, built-up energy. Not only do they build up energy, but they also begin to run out of energy … like a battery. Therefore, we need to remove the old energy by cleansing it, and then charging them back to its natural power. But how?
Below is my favorite way to cleanse crystals of negative energy. It is quick and relaxing at the same time. It is also a great time to cleanse your environment, your workspace, and even yourself!
- Herbs and Incense – The ritual of using the smoke from burning herbs, such as White Sage, can be traced to the Native Americans. They were the first who recorded using it in a ceremonial or ritual practice to rid
unwanted energies and ask spirits for blessings. Sage is a favorite among crystal enthusiasts and is my favorite. Gently wave your crystals through the smoke and visualize the unwanted energy leaving the stone. (For more information on Smudging click here.)
Below are a few ways how to Cleanse and Charge your crystals at the same time.
- The Earth – Bury them in the ground to return them to their natural setting. Crystals receive their energy from the earth’s core. Leave them buried for 24 hours or longer to realign them with the earth’s healing energy and to remove impurities. You can place the crystals in a jar or earthenware pot and bury them in your yard. Be sure to use some type of marker to remember the location. If you plan on laying your crystals directly onto the ground, see below to find out which crystals are water unsafe.
- The Sun and the Moon. Bring your crystals out at first nightfall during a full moon. The full moon will both cleanse and charge your stones. Your crystals will soak up its luscious, gentle, feminine energy. The next morning leave your crystals out in the sunlight for a few short hours to absorb the Sun’s masculine energy. Be careful, as some crystals are sensitive to light and will begin to fade. Also, weather plays an important role; moisture or rain can cause some crystals to degrade.
Here are a few crystals that are water unsafe: Selenite, Fluorite, Lepidolite, Turquoise, Celestite, and Kyanite.
As a jeweler, I work with crystals every day.
Upon receiving my gemstones and crystals, I gently wash, clean, and use sage (smudge) to clear them of prior energies and I allow the gemstones to soak up some of the Sun’s energy. Before my jewelry goes off to their new owners, I sage them once again, just to cleanse my own energy fingerprint. As I use the smoke from burning sage… I say a little blessing of happiness and wish them well on their new journey.
As you continue on your crystal discovery, you will find there are other ways to cleanse and charge your crystals.
Go with what feels right; you will know what works best for you. A cleansed and charged stone should feel energetically and physically lighter to the touch. Therefore, caring for your crystals allows you to be more mindful of your interactions with the stones, with ourselves, and with others.