Pin ItWelcome to my first wire wrapping DIY tutorial! I am beyond excited to begin this journey in manifesting self- love through art. Creating art is my passion. From making jewelry to wood burning to baking delicious cakes, I love to use my hands to see what I can create. It is empowering and…
Pin ItIt is a fact that crystals are the most orderly structure found in nature. Their unique pattern emits a vibration that is consistent. The vibration from the crystal will turn imbalanced energy into a harmonic and consistent vibration. Crystals are used in modern-day technology. Silicon is used in computers. The ordered structure allows them…
Pin ItGarnet comes from the Latin word granatus, meaning “seed like” in reference to its resemblance to a pomegranate. pomegranate gemstone are given as a gift of love and represents eternal friendship. Although most commonly known for its red hue, the garnet comes in every color except blue. January birthstone Folklore and Gemstone Properties: Asiatic…
Pin ItOur Naughty and Nice jewelry can be found at Scentabilities, located on charming Tujunga Blvd in Studio City. Awesome boutique, thanks for supporting us! For those of you in the SFV, stop by and visit this enchanting shop. Address: Scentsabilities located at: 4336 Tujunga Ave Studio City, CA91604
Pin ItCleopatra’s Favorite Stone – Did you know Alex and I are always fascinated by the natural beauty of gemstones? We love searching for the most unique crystal minerals. Here are some interesting facts and photos about Chrysocolla. The name was first used by Theophrastus in 315 B. The name ‘chrysocolla’ was derived from the…
Pin ItPlated Gold Gold plating is a process that uses electricity or chemicals to deposit and bond an extremely thin layer of gold onto another metal. Most often, the base metal is silver or copper. This will give a piece of jewelry the look of gold even though it is primarily made up of another,…
Pin ItWhat an honor it is for me, when a bride wears one of my pieces. To me, it means they trust my design in helping to complete the look of one of the most “important” days of their lives. My brides are generally organic, fun, and usually artists themselves! Thank you for allowing me…
Pin ItThe Triangle – A beautiful and simple shape associated with the number three. Did you know that if it is pointed up, it represents male energy, and pointed down it represents female energy… According to ancient beliefs, an upright equilateral triangle, with one point at the top and two at the base, is a…