Crystal energy, real magic or power of the mind?

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It is a fact that crystals are the most orderly structure found in nature.  Their unique pattern emits a vibration that is consistent.  The vibration from the crystal will turn imbalanced energy into a harmonic and consistent vibration.  Crystals are used in modern-day technology.   Silicon is used in computers. The ordered structure allows them to store information.   Quartz crystal is used in watches and clocks.  When the proper charge is applied it will oscillate at a constant and precise frequency. Therefore crystal energy is real.


Truth is, energy exists in all living and non-living objects.  Human beings are made of energy, therefore drawn to crystals.  Cells in the human body vibrate at certain frequencies.  When the body comes in contact with a crystal, the crystal’s vibration interacts with the cells.  Unbalanced energy is transformed into a harmonic vibration.


Learning and associating with a crystal’s “healing properties” makes the connection rooted deeper into the subconscious.    Add a visual image to help create more feelings and emotions around it.  It is the human energy connecting with the earth’s energy that causes things to manifest.  The results are a positive vibration.


Strong enough belief that an admired object will give off positive energy, then it will. That itself is creating pure energy.