Best Crystals to Help Stay Consistent
It is the beginning of a new year. Oh, the pressure we place on ourselves making resolutions in hopes of improving our life. The thing about resolutions… they require Action! Not only does it require you to start, but it is imperative that you to stay consistent.
Staying consistent sounds boring; doing the same thing at the same time every day. However, without it, reaching your goals may take longer than you anticipated. That is, if you reach them at all. If you struggle with staying consistent, as well as with procrastination, you are not alone.
Let’s explore this further and develop ways to help stay consistent and form successful habits.
The new year adds pressure, and resolutions are being announced everywhere with anticipation of big things to come. As for myself, the first workday of the new year started off slowly. I woke up Monday, January 3, early, ready to start the day with fire in my belly. By noontime, I was wandering around my house looking for that fire… I felt a little overwhelmed with the thought that I had to do something magnificent on the first day of the year. Instead, I meditated, and yes, napped for a couple of hours.
The next day, I woke up, completed my morning routine and my life fell back into place. The pressure I placed upon myself was off! It helped that for 2021, my “special” word had been ‘consistency’. I have been working on forming better habits that over time will build momentum and help me reach my goals. In the beginning, I slacked, especially with regard to waking up early… instead of giving in completely, I stopped beating myself up, realized I am human, and woke up early the next day. My morning routine is pretty solid now, I even eat the same breakfast most days.
With 2022 here, my special word or words for the year are, “stay consistent”. My plan of attack is to apply it to all areas of my life – work, personal, and health.
How to stay consistent
When we practice being consistent, it helps us to form successful habits. Studies show that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. These habits become part of our self-image.
A key to building a consistent habit is to make them as enjoyable as you can and schedule it at a time that works best for you. If it’s torture, you are not going to want to do it and you probably won’t. Sometimes it’s giving up something you love. Instead, find a positive healthy substitute. Or, create a workout that involves things you like. For example, dancing or nature walks. Tailor and mold it to fit your needs and lifestyle; be creative.
Know your “why” you need to be consistent. If you want that “beach body”, remind and even visualize how you would look and feel if you had that body. Attach the reason you are being consistent to your “why”… your bigger picture.
The truth is, you have to want your “why” bad enough. Then, consistently put the work in, every day of every month, of every year to form that habit. Over time and with dedication, you will have developed a habit that accumulates and pays off… BIG!
There are hacks you can use to kick start staying consistent and forming that new habit. Motivational speaker and best-selling author, Mel Robbins, created “The 5-second rule”. A countdown to stop procrastination. It is a no excuses or time to think rule, that requires you to make a decision in five seconds. Once you get to 1 – you do the thing, jump out of bed, pick up the phone and make that call, or sit down and write that blog. ? It has been proven that if you think too long, your thoughts will kill the idea.
Crystals to help stay consistent
Here are three crystals to keep with you to help build that consistent habit-forming muscle we all have. Use it to keep you mindful, stay on course and vibrate consistently. Meditate with them, set your intention by asking them to assist you with staying consistent.
Tigers Eye – Strengthens willpower and stabilizes energy levels. Helps motivate you to make healthy lifestyle changes, and encourages you to make improvements in your daily routine. It helps with focus, assisting with mental clarity so you can resolve problems objectively, unclouded by emotions.
Citrine – This bright and uplifting stone energizes every level of life. A stone for optimism, it is helpful in times of self-doubt. It assists in keeping your eye on the bigger picture, taking it one task at a time.
Amazonite – It will keep you on track. It will help guide your intuition and clean up any negative energy that is keeping you from moving forward. If your mind is swirling with thoughts, amazonite will help with focus and motivation.
In conclusion, how about taking your audacious new year’s resolution, and breaking it down into smaller manageable parts. Form positive habits around them and tailor them to meet your lifestyle. Attach your habit to your “why” you are doing it. In this case, your resolution. Visualize yourself reaching your end goal, stay consistent until your “why” becomes reality, and you will find yourself living the life of your dreams.