Five Amethyst Stone Benefits for Better Living

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Amethyst, the birthstone for February, is the most widely known gemstone in the crystal kingdom. 

Its mesmerizing purple hues formed in sparkly crystal points or soft tumbled stones take us to a magical place.  It is an abundant mineral Quartz that can be found throughout the world, the largest deposits have been discovered in Brazil and Uruguay.

The earth has blessed us with this fascinating stone.  Besides admiring it, how else can we use it?

amethyst stone benefits for better living

Here are 5 ways to use Amethyst to benefit your life.

Five Amethyst stone benefits for a better living are,

  1. Insomnia – Keep a tumbled stone under your pillow. As a result, it will help calm the mind, promoting deeper sleep and allowing the body to heal and regenerate.
  2. Meditation – Meditate next to a large geode or hold a tumble stone in your hand. Its soothing energy balances the mind and emotions and gently guides us to live in accordance with our highest self.
  3. Raise Vibration – Amethyst is a powerful stone that can raise your vibration. It works with the crown chakra and energizes the third chakra; therefore, allowing us to tap into our higher consciousness.
  4. Sobriety – Amethyst in Greek translates to “not drunken”.  The Greeks believed keeping it close would prevent them from getting too drunk.  In other words, the stone helps to restore and strengthen weakened energies and aids in combating seductions or addictions.
  5. All-Purpose – It helps to relieve stress, irritably, and dispels feelings of fear, rage, and anxiety. Above all, it activates spiritual attunement, opens intuition, and sharpens our psychic abilities.

In conclusion, it benefits better living to wear Amethyst stone in jewelry or keeping a piece of this enchanting stone nearby and enjoying its energy can cause moments of calm, clarity, and connection with oneself.

Good luck and have fun on your crystal journey!