My Favorite Month! Here’s Why….

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It is my favorite month of the year. March Madness, Girl Scout Cookies, and Yes, Springtime.

My favorite month the month of March is named after the Roman God of War, Mars.  In ancient Rome, the month marked the New Year and the first day of spring.  With the frost melting it was the perfect time for the farmers to start farming, and the warriors to resume warring.  The Roman calendar originally began with March my favorite month, and was 10 months long, followed by an uncounted winter gap.  Numa Pompilius (second king of Rome 715 BC), later added January and February to the end of the calendar to make up for the gap.   In 46 BC, Julius Caesar initiated a new dating system and moved January and February to the beginning of the year based on the Earth’s revolution around the sun. It became known as the solar calendar we use today.

As Spring Equinox is upon us, we look forward to longer days.

A time when animals, plants, and humans awake from hibernation.  During this time, our bodies are exposed to more sunlight.  The sunlight helps release a mood-boosting hormone in our body called Serotonin, therefore increasing our energy while helping to maintain calm and focus.  A surge of energy some might call ‘spring fever’ hits us.  We get the desire to clean and organize our lives and discard the things that no longer benefit us.  Similarly, we can take the same approach with our internal lives.

We can tap into the energy of Aquamarine, the birthstone for March, symbolizing courage and calm.

my favorite month

Tranquility Bracelet

Aquamarine helps sharpen the intellect and makes one unconquerable through knowledge.  It vibrates quiet courage, a calm strength that over time will help in times of need.  In addition, it will prepare you to bravely face the battles in life while remaining strong and calm through it all.  Aquamarine is derived from two Latin words:  aqua, meaning “water”, and marina, meaning “of the sea”.  The stunning blue color has a strong connection with the tranquil ocean and helps bond our connection with the spirits of the sea.  As the water cleanses and washes over you, it helps release that which weighs you down.  Therefore, let us look toward March as a time for renewal.  A chance to clear the mental cobwebs, batten down the hatches and prepare for the ten-month voyage ahead.  Let’s get ready to sail!  Who’s with me?

Other uses for Aquamarine:

Protects you as you travel by sea, alleviating the fear of water, and guards those involved in any long-haul travel such as flying or driving long distances.

A good stone for learning to swim.

Works with the throat chakra to help with communication and overcome the fear of speaking.


March Facts:
The Worm Moon will peak illumination on Sunday, March 28.
Flower: Daffodil
Birthstone: Aquamarine and Bloodstone
Daylight Savings, March 14, 2021
First Day of Spring, March 20, 2021