Wire Wrapping DIY Tutorial – Chakra Pendant by Solstice LTD

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Welcome to my first wire wrapping DIY tutorial!


I am beyond excited to begin this journey in manifesting self- love through art.  Creating art is my passion.  From making jewelry to wood burning to baking delicious cakes, I love to use my hands to see what I can create.  It is empowering and self-discovering.   Therefore, I invite you to join me on one of my projects.  If you are interested in jewelry making, take a look at the wire wrapping DIY tutorial on how to create my Chakra necklace. I will outline the tools you need and teach you step by step instructions on how to wire wrap my Chakra pendant.  However, you can incorporate this technique to create different types of looks.


Learning a new skill is uplifting and rewarding, as a result, it endows us with a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.  In short, let’s practice doing more things we love this will, I promise you, create more self-love.  xo – LT