Stay at Home, Stay Healthy, Be Safe, Be Positive

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Well?  Has it gotten to you yet?

This stay at home, shelter at home, prisoner of your own home “rule” which has everyone feeling like they did something wrong and got sent to their room.  LOL!  For me, I am torn.  I am an introvert, and love being at home.  But like most, I get cabin fever.

I love to shop, doesn’t matter what kind of shopping, I just like buying stuff. However, lately, it hasn’t been fun. I feel I have to run through the store grabbing whatever I can, holding my breath, racing out of the store to evade an evil I can’t see. Plus, the empty shelves, where an endless array of fluffy white toilet paper once stood, makes me feel icky.  So instead, I have resorted to reaching out to friends and family for TP donations. They lovingly give me a roll or two, for which I am so grateful. A feeling I would rather have. I have also decided to support other small online businesses with whatever small purchases I can make.

My days have been filled with transitioning to this new norm, and pondering ways to pivot my business into unchartered territories. I know this is temporary, but I do feel this pandemic will be an awakening for things to happen. It will turn this globe upside down for a bit. Many may lose a loved one to this horrible virus, and sadness will affect us all in some way or another.

However, as humans, we are resourceful beings who morph and adapt to any challenges that may confront us. We are strong and creative, and will find a way to turn this crisis into lemonade; especially when the majority of us are sent to our rooms to think, think, and think some more. Magic will unfold. We will emerge with a new perspective on the world; things will shift, and bonds will grow. So, I urge you, during this time of unknown… remain positive and know better things are on the horizon and, most of all, stay home and stay healthy.  After the dust settles, a new world will emerge.

Stay at Home

Stay at Home

There are a few things I have been up to. I have been focusing more online, adding new DIY videos to my YouTube, IGTV, and Instastories. As a shy person, when I see myself on video, it’s as if I don’t even know who that person is. Thankfully, I understand doing what scares me the most. These are the things that elevate me as a person.

In the meantime, I find solace in being creative.  It’s the one thing that keeps me sane. Here are a few watercolors I have painted. I hope they stir a good feeling in your heart and soul….. Love to you and be safe my friend.


Check out my Youtube on “How to Create a Watercolor Galaxy”.  Like, Subscribe and Share my Youtube channel.  🙂