Smudging 101

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smudge stick uses for smudging

Burning sage, also known as smudging, can help combat negativity, clear the energy in your field, and help you start anew.

Smudging is an ancient ceremony, used for thousands of years, in which you burn sacred plants, such as sage, to allow the smoke to clear and bless a space, room, or object (like crystals).  It is also used for clearing your body, mind, and spirit of any negativity, stagnate energy, or energetic disturbances within or surrounding you.

Smudge sticks are generally made using dried herbs and plants, that ancients believed, have great healing properties.

This ceremony is not based on religion; it is love.  Therefore, use it in any way that is purposeful to you.

Materials and Supplies

Sage smudge sticks can also be wrapped with flowers for their healing benefits.

  • White Sage – cleansing, balancing, strength, banish negativity
  • Roses – love, healing, awareness, protection
  • Peony – romance, good luck, compassion, and prosperity

Supplies you will need for smudging:

  • Smudge stick uses for smudging
  • A white candle placed near an open window or door (away from anything flammable)
  • A fireproof container such as an abalone shell or ceramic bowl
  • Matches
  • Blessing, Prayer, or Positive affirmation to clear the negative energy
  • Feather (optional)

The Blessing / Prayer/ Positive Saying

This is a phrase that you will repeat as you are smudging your space or person.  This should be a positive phrase.  As you get more familiar with this ritual, the words you speak will come to you more freely.

Here are some examples to get you started:

“Smoke of air and fire and earth, cleanse and bless this home and hearth.  Driveaway all harm and fear, only good may enter here.”

“Cleanse this space, remove the past.  I have found my happiness at last.  Fill this space with love and joy, send your blessing from above.”

“May this person and space be washed clean by the smoke of these fragrant plants.”

Let’s Smudge

Space/Home -It is best to do a thorough smudging when you move into a new home. After that, four times a year when the seasons change, or whenever you feel the energy needs uplifting. smudge stick uses for smudging are,

  • Light the candle and smudge stick.  Let the smudge stick begin to smolder.
  • Move-in a clockwise pattern around your space or home.  Begin at the front door.
  • Raise your smudge stick to the corners of the room.  Use a feather or your hand to spread the smoke.
  • Repeat your Blessing as you move through your space.
  • Be sure to open closet doors for cleansing.
  • The candle will draw any stagnant or negative energies towards the flame and out the open door or window.
  • Carry your burning smudge stick in an abalone shell or ceramic bowl to catch any embers.
  • Embrace the smoke and put forth your Blessing with your best and true intention.
  • When you have completed smudging your space, return to your beginning point.
  • Gently extinguish the smudge stick by knocking it against the shell or bowl, or a bowl of sand to extinguish.
  • Leave the candle burning for a bit longer to clear the energies.
  • Breathe in and enjoy your cleansed space.

Smudging Yourself or Others

It is a good idea to smudge yourself, both before and after you smudge your space.  When your smudge stick is lit and smoldering, direct the smoke waves around your body.  You can start from the head or feet.  Carefully wave it around yourself, inhale lightly and enjoy its healing benefits.

Cleansing your Crystals

It is a good idea to cleanse your crystals when you first get them.  They have traveled the world to find you and have picked up the energy from others along the way.  Gently wave your crystal through the smoke of burning sage for about 30 seconds.  Repeat your blessing or set your intention.  Embrace the crystal’s energy, as the wafting smoke fills the air.