Pin ItAutumn is officially here! I can feel it in my bones as the cool, chill air creeps in. Along with the changing of the foliage; visions of skeletons, pumpkins and witches appear everywhere in order to delight our inner darkness. October translates to “the eighth month”, which it was until it got bumped to…
Pin ItWhen we think of crystals, visions of pretty, shiny, high vibrational, speak to me, thoughts come to mind. Although, I am fascinated with the magical, intangible, energy they emit; I am equally intrigued by how they even exist on this planet. Mind-blowing thought… everything we need to exist and live an abundant life, the…
Pin ItThe month of September is here. The ninth month of the year marks the end of Summer, the beginning of Fall, back to school, and yes, my birthday month. Virgos and Libras alike get to celebrate another successful trip around the sun. September gets its name from the Latin word Septem, meaning seven. September…
Pin ItEach evening we look up into the night’s sky and notice the changes in the moon’s shape. The different shapes of the moon that we see are called moon phases that set your intentions. The moon does not produce its own light, nor does the view of the moon change. There is only one…
Pin ItThe month of August is upon us. The 8th month of the year, a time for Leo’s and Virgo’s everywhere to celebrate birthdays. In the Northern hemisphere, we are still enjoying the warmest of months. The peak of summer, before the chill air, creeps in. It is a time when we celebrate what we’ve…
Pin It Burning sage, also known as smudging, can help combat negativity, clear the energy in your field, and help you start anew. Smudging is an ancient ceremony, used for thousands of years, in which you burn sacred plants, such as sage, to allow the smoke to clear and bless a space, room, or object…
Pin ItHere we are, July, the hottest month of the year. As a native-born Californian, warm weather is pretty normal here. However, summers in Los Angeles, unless you live near the beach, can be scorching, 90 in the shade, fry an egg on the sidewalk, kind of hot. Thankfully, 2021 has been mild, though summer…
Pin ItI remember, as if it were only yesterday, ringing in the New Year and making big plans and goals. Six months into the year 2021, how are those goals going? As for myself, my goal was to live a more chill lifestyle, you know, ‘go with the flow. I am a Virgo, which means…