Best Halloween Crystals to Ward off Evil and Welcome Good Spirits

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Autumn is officially here!

I can feel it in my bones as the cool, chill air creeps in.  Along with the changing of the foliage; visions of skeletons, pumpkins and witches appear everywhere in order to delight our inner darkness.

October translates to “the eighth month”, which it was until it got bumped to the 10th spot by Julius Caesar.  Click here for more details.

The best part of October is, of course, Halloween.

best crystals to ward off evil

The one night we get to dress up in our homemade or store-bought costumes and for a few hours live life as someone, or something, else.  Halloween is fast becoming everyone’s favorite holiday, quickly passing up Christmas… move over Santa!  But why do we dress up in costumes, fix up our homes with scary decorations and hand out candy…?

Halloween can be traced back to the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain.

The ancient Celts divided their year into two halves, the lighter half and the darker half.  Samhain marked the transition between the end of summer and the beginning of the “dark half”.  The Celts celebrated the change of seasons with pagan festivals; Samhain being the most significant as it also represented the Celtic New Year.

The festival marked a time to prep for the winter months as they processed the meat and harvested their fields.  The celebration began at dusk, Oct 31, and was likely to last for three days.  The celebration included excessive drinking and eating.  A communal bonfire representing the sun blazed on, as cattle were sacrificed and prayers ushered.  Each participant took a flame from the bonfire back to their home to relight their hearth to ward off evil spirits.

It was also believed by the Celts to be a moment in time when the veil between the human realm and spirit realm was the thinnest and can be seen.

The Celts believed that at sunset on Oct 31, supernatural beings, good and evil, could wander into the material realm.  Conversely, the living could cross over into the spiritual realm, with the fear that you could get lost and not find your way back home.

Masks and costumes would be worn to trick the evil spirits who emerged from the night.  Disguised, you could move freely about without running into the spirits.  If you happen to run into an evil spirit, you can bribe them with a treat carried in your pockets such as nuts, apples, or eggs.  Those who gave generously would ensure the protection of their crops and livestock.  Those who gave poorly would be subject to tricks and pranks.

Other traditions, such as the carved pumpkins (originally a turnip) or Jack O’Lantern, were adapted and crossed over into the New World during the 1850s, as Irish immigrants came to America and rekindled the Samhain festival.

Throughout generations, druids and fortune tellers would use this time to connect to the other side.  Over the course of thousands of years, it has evolved into what we celebrate today.  We celebrate a culture’s history and folklore; and perhaps on that magical night, the spirits and living can cross realms.  I will surely celebrate Halloween with a new perspective and understanding.

During this time, it is a great idea to use crystals to protect yourself from unwanted energies and to help connect with the spiritual realm.

Best crystals can be ward off evil.

Carnelian – Its vibrant orange hue brings out the fiery courage deep within us, thus helping you to make positive life choices.  It promotes spiritual energy that helps to awaken your talents and guides you to make the most of them. On a spiritual level, Carnelian encourages acceptance of the cycle of life and helps to remove the fear of death.  In ancient times, it was used to protect the deceased on their journey to the afterlife.

Black Tourmaline- Used as a cloak of protection, it will help to swallow negative energies, and effectively absolve dark feelings, thus nurturing the soul.  It works with the base chakra, connecting earthly roots to help you feel safe and secure in your place upon the earth.  Like an extra pair of eyes, black tourmaline will act as your safeguard against any harm that threatens you, your home, and your energy.

Amethyst – A powerful and protective stone, it guards against psychic attacks, geopathic stress, and the ill wishes of others.  It helps to activate spiritual awareness, opens intuition, and enhances psychic abilities.  It will help to calm and quiet parts of the mind that are scattered and stimulate the areas that are productive; creating focus, enhanced memory, and improving motivation. These are the best crystals to ward off evil.

Therefore, it is helpful to set your intentions with each and best crystal to ward off evil as some crystals can cancel each other out.  Thus, think of what you want your crystal to do for you and allow the energy of the crystal to gravitate towards the intention.

October Facts:


Cosmos – a symbol of joy in life and love and of peace
Marigold – a symbol of positive emotions and energy.


Opal – a symbol of hope and purity.

Full Moon:

October 20, 2021 – Hunter’s Moon

Notable Figures Born in October:

Mahatma Gandhi
Frederic Remington
Oliver North
Jesse Jackson
E.E. Cummings