September – Finding Balance

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The month of September is here.

The ninth month of the year marks the end of Summer, the beginning of Fall, back to school, and yes, my birthday month.  Virgos and Libras alike get to celebrate another successful trip around the sun.  September gets its name from the Latin word Septem, meaning seven. September used to be the seventh month based on the early Roman calendar.

Growing up, I wished my birthday was in another month. September wasn’t even named after an important or noble figure, God or Goddess…   Besides going back to school, the weather gets cold and the nights get longer. I thought, there has got to be more.  Yes, we have important holidays such as Labor Day and the beginning of the High Holy Days for the Jewish year.  But, what else?

I discovered an important role September has is to create balance.  A sort of bridge, as our environment begins to change.

September finding balance

Fall Equinox takes place on September 22, 2021. It is also the time when the Sun enters Libra, the sign of scales, inviting us to seek balance as the light gives way to darkness.  On the equinox, the day and night are roughly equal in length.  From here on (until December solstice), the sun will begin to rise later and nightfall will come sooner as the temperature begins to drop. The leaves change colors due to the loss of daylight, as they shut down to conserve for the upcoming months.  For most, the transition will be gradual.  The earth and nature respond steadily, preparing themselves and us for the change in seasons.

The Equinox is about balance.

Meanwhile, during this time of year, our lives begin to ramp up.  There is more to do, not only the day-to-day, work-family, and taking care of yourself.  But it is also the beginning of the school year (during a pandemic) and let’s throw in some major holidays to rejoice.  Rather than running around trying to catch up to life, we look to practice balance so we can enjoy it, in real-time.

Therefore, like the equinox balancing day and night, we can adjust our lives to find the same harmony.  Whether you are looking to balance your family-work life or to find inner balance and restore unity to your mind, body, and spirit, we seek the help of crystals to find balance and help you live your best life.

Tigers Eye –Balance Bracelet

Tigers Eye – Combines the energy of both the sun and the earth creating a state that is grounding and helps to draw spiritual energies to earth.  If you are feeling scattered, frustrated, or finding it hard making decisions, Tigers Eye keeps your feet firmly planted, helping you to focus.  It balances the brain and sparks you to take action, making decisions with discernment and understanding, unclouded by emotions.

Tigers Eye balances your yin and yang energy, as well as your energy field.  It helps you to recognize your own needs and the needs of others.

Fluorite Octahedron

Fluorite – A cleansing and balancing stone that encourages neutrality and helps you to see every side of a situation.  Balancing both the mental and physical body, it heals the heart chakra and clears the mental fog from an overwhelmed mind.  Considered a Genius Stone, it brings clarity, increases concentration and self-confidence, and also helps in decision-making.


Sapphire Nugget Necklace

September Birthstone:

Sapphire – Divine wisdom and protection.  Symbolizes purity, truth, trust, and loyalty.  Some believed if you place Sapphire in a jar with a snake, the snake would die.

September Flowers:

Aster – Symbolizes powerful love.
Morning Glory – Symbolizes affection.

Full Moon:

September 20, 2021 – Harvest Moon
The last full moon of the summer season.  The moon rises at the time of sunset.  Its orange hue is due to the thickness of the Earth’s atmosphere near the horizon.  Back in the day, farmers would use the moon’s light to help gather their crops.

Notable Figures Born in September:

Colonel Harland Sanders
Agatha Christie
Keanu Reeves
Ray Charles