Six Months Into 2021…

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I remember, as if it were only yesterday, ringing in the New Year and making big plans and goals.

Six months into the year 2021, how are those goals going?

As for myself, my goal was to live a more chill lifestyle, you know, ‘go with the flow.  I am a Virgo, which means there is that perfectionist in me which hinders my ability to “let go”.  But I am, as they say, a work in progress.  I am not a control freak; just the kind of person where everything has to be in the right place before I can start my next project or task… Obsessive?  Maybe.   I have notebooks filled with lists of ‘to dos’ with little checkboxes next to them. It gives me a sense of accomplishment to check off each task proudly. If my plans go off course, yes, I sometimes have a mini-internal meltdown…  I am working on it.

So, June is the perfect month to reflect upon the year or six months into the year 2021 and revisit some of those resolutions we set with intention.  With the days getting longer in the Northern Hemisphere, there will be more sunlight and warm evenings to seek out those goals and for me, to practice “letting go” … just typing those words makes me cringe a little.

As for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere, winter begins as their days begin to get shorter.

The month of June has two origins.  The first is named after the Roman Goddess Juno (Hera in Greek), patroness of marriage, wife of Jupiter, and queen of the gods.  The month was said to be sacred to her and was thought by the Romans to be the luckiest month for marriage.   The second origin comes from the Latin word, “iuniores”, translating to “younger ones”.  Not sure about the connection.  However, I read June is a great month to be born in, producing the happiest of babies.

June has three birthstones:  Pearl, Moonstone, and Alexandrite.

six months into the year 2021

Pearls help to bring balance to your body’s natural cycles.  It will teach you to open up and find the meaning and purpose of your “true self.”  It enlightens the mind and inspires the mood, helping you to learn to love yourself more, and in turn, love others more as well.

A manifestation crystal, wearing pearls for longer periods of time will help manifest what you really desire and brings abundance, good fortune, and wealth.

Goddess Bracelet        Green Moonstone

Moonstone is the stone of new beginnings; it encourages inner growth, strength, and enhances intuition.  This luminous stone has a strong connection to the Moon. Just as the Moon waxes and wanes, it reminds you that your life is part of a cycle of change.  Moonstone helps illuminate the way and encourages you to use the wisdom you have to follow the path of your choice.

Moonstone connects you with the Divine Feminine and helps to balance male-female energies.

Alexandrite represents health and longevity. It opens the crown chakra bringing access to the warm, healing energy and love of the universe. It strengthens intuition, creativity, and imagination.

It brings joy to those with too much self-discipline and reminds you of the purpose of your life.  A true Alexandrite is said to change color, an emerald by day and ruby by night; it is a reminder that life is not always what it seems to be.

As we enter the second half of 2021 or six months into the year 2021, these three stones will help you find the inner strength to follow your path, and embrace new beginnings with an open mind and heart.

Flower: Rose or Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle stands for bonds of devotion, love, fidelity, and generosity.

Rose indicates romantic love, secrecy, desire, gratitude, mourning, impossible hopes, modesty, joy, love, at first sight, innocence, sacrifice, and much more.

Notable Figures Born in June

Marilyn Monroe
Anne Frank
Frank Lloyd Wright
Maurice Sendak

June 21 – Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year
June 24 – Full Moon, Strawberry Moon