Ch Ch Changes…

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May is the Month of Transition

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, the rain and cold weather are gone.  The sunlight and its warmth emerge and life begins to bloom.  If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, the summer weather is long gone, as the cold wind sweeps in and the nights get darker. May is the month of transition.

Therefore, whichever hemisphere you live in, a transition is definitely occurring.

When I think of May, my thoughts go to, ‘uh oh, the summer heat is almost here.  I live in California, more specifically the Reseda area in the San Fernando Valley (… the infamous city Tom Petty sang about).  California usually brings visions of perfect weather and swaying palm trees. Me, I think of extreme heat, mosquitoes, and high electric bills.  The San Fernando Valley is an oven and I am its proverbial chicken about to get roasted.

So, in the meantime, I will cherish this last month of perfectly sublime weather.

Back to May…

may the month of transition

May is the Latin word for Maius, which originates back to ancient Greece.  Named after the Greek Goddess Maia, the goddess of Earth, Goddess Maia symbolized nurture, fertility, and growth; a welcoming sense of renewal.  Also a midwife, she protected and brought new life into the world.  She ultimately became known as Mother Earth.

It is perfect that Emerald is the birthstone for May.

The Emerald stands for a time of rebirth and growth.  Its rich, mesmerizing hue is reminiscent of spring foliage.  Its energy is one of sustenance, both spiritual and physical, and is symbolic of the abundance and renewed energy of May.

The Emerald is known as the “stone of successful love”.  Emeralds help heal the heart and open the heart chakra.  It provides healing so you can learn to love yourself, those around you, and to see life in a positive light.  This precious stone forms slowly, making them rare and valuable.  It teaches us patience, wisdom, and growth; the virtues necessary in fostering and nurturing bonding relationships.  It is believed if the stone changes color, it can signal unfaithfulness and imbalances in love.

Crystals for transition and change

Transformation Bracelet


Labradorite – Stone of transformation.  A useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance.
Chrysocolla –  Guides you to a state of calm confidence making it a perfect crystal to connect and embrace welcoming changes on the horizon.
Moonstone – Stone for  “new beginnings”.  It promotes inner growth and strength. It calms, encourages, and teaches us the natural rhythms of life.

May Flowers:     Lily of the Valley and Hawthorne

Lily of the Valley = sweetness, humility, and a return to happiness.
Hawthorne = Represents hope and supreme happiness.

Notable figures born in May

Florence Nightingale
Sigmund Freud
Harry Truman
Malcolm X
Henri Rousseau

Full Moon = May 26, 2021 – Full Flower Moon