The Pomegranate Gemstone

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Garnet comes from the Latin word granatus, meaning “seed like” in reference to its resemblance to a pomegranate.

pomegranate gemstone are given as a gift of love and represents eternal friendship.

Although most commonly known for its red hue, the garnet comes in every color except blue.

January birthstonegarnet

Folklore and Gemstone Properties:

Asiatic tribes would shoot their enemies with bullets made from garnets to ensure success. They believed that if someone was struck by one of these bullets they would be more severely injured, guaranteeing their success.

According to legend, Noah used a finely cut, glowing garnet to illuminate the ark during those dark wet days and nights.

Pomegranate gemstone is a stone of regeneration and energizing. It is said to be stabilizing in that it can bring order to chaos whether internal or external.

Can be found:

Garnet was first mined in Sri Lanka more than 2,500 years ago and is now found in Africa, Australia, India, Russia, South America, and in the United States.