Crystal Energy – Does It Really Work?

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My Crystal Journey

My interest in crystals began 20 years ago when I started making jewelry.  I would walk into my local bead store where thousands of gemstone strands lined the walls, shimmering and glistening in the sunlight.  Instantly I felt energized and creative.  I was a wide-eyed child with jewelry ideas swirling around in my head; almost as if the stones were talking to me.

Manifest & Ariel Bracelet

A few years ago, I quit my job to pursue my dream.  It was a scary time for me.  As a result, it made me look at every part of my life.  Never realizing I would be forced to look within and ask myself some of the hardest questions. Quitting my job was a form of therapy.  I found myself suffering from bouts of sadness centered on how I felt about myself.  Funny, in all my years, I never really gave it much thought.  The ever-important question came up, “Do I love myself?”  I’ve always seen people talk about themselves like they were Muhammad Ali… I was not that person.  I was an introvert and downplayed my potential greatness.  Sometimes I would give the spotlight to others, only to sit quietly in the corner.  No more!

Self-love is the foundation that makes us who we are.  I began using gemstones and crystals to empower myself.  At the time I based it on the woo-woo theory; just believing in their magical healing properties.  By using crystals as a mindful tool, it helped me immensely.  They served as a reminder that I am a powerful being.  I would wear and carry crystals in my pocket.  Every time I felt doubt or sadness, I would hold a crystal between my fingers and concentrate on their properties to trigger a positive thought.  It worked!  Now my life is blanketed in crystals and gemstones.  It is the basis of my jewelry line.

At times, we all can be hard on ourselves, letting the negative chatter take over.  Having a crystal in hand can help transform disparaging thoughts into a loving and forgiving vibration. Curious to know if these enchanting stones really held energy, I did some research.  Below are my findings; a little historical, a little science, a little woo-woo.  I hope it helps you find your way.

Ancient Civilization

For thousands of years, crystal and minerals have played an important role in our lives and have been used in many ways.  The Egyptians revered Lapis, Turquoise, Carnelian, and Malachite. They believed these crystals represented fire, life, and blood.  They were used in burial chambers to regenerate powers in the afterlife.  The Egyptians buried their dead with a piece of Quartz on the forehead to guide them safely into eternity.

Images of Cleopatra depict her adorned from head to toe in jewels made of crystals. Egyptians believed the more jewelry made from crystals they wore, the more attractive they would be to the gods.  Crystals were a symbol of social status, wealth, and power.  They provided good health and protection from evil spirits.

Green Malachite and Lapis Lazuli were crushed into a paste and used as eye shadow, and minerals were used as eyeliner.  The Egyptians used eye paint for cosmetic purposes and to protect their eyes from the bright desert sun.   They believed these cosmetics held healing powers.

Many of the crystals’ attributes and names come from the Greeks.  The word crystal derives from the Greek word krystallos, which translates to icicle.  The Greeks believed Quartz was heavenly water frozen solid by the gods.

Amethyst in Greek means “not drunken.”  The Greeks wore amulets and lined goblets with Amethyst to prevent drunkenness and hangovers. Hematite is the Greek word for blood, due to the stone’s red color.  The Greek soldiers rubbed crushed Hematite on their bodies to make themselves invincible.

Modern Day

We use crystals and minerals in modern-day.  For instance, gold, copper, and silver minerals are used in construction and manufacturing.  Crystals are used in technology; from watches to cell phones & computers.  It is because crystals are piezoelectric.  This means they generate an electric charge when pressure is placed upon it. Crystals help to maintain a constant and precise frequency. In addition, the vibration from the crystal turns imbalanced energy into a harmonic and consistent vibration.

It is a fact that all things in the universe are forms of energy with their own frequency and vibration, including crystals.  Nikola Tesla declared this concept as the key to understanding the universe.  He proved how certain forms of energy can alter the vibrational resonance of other forms of energy.

crystal energy

Therefore, when you think about it, the human body is made up of energy.  When our body’s energy comes in contact with a crystal’s energy and interacts, through the law of resonance, any unbalanced energy is transformed into a harmonic vibration.

Power of Crystals

Crystals harness their energy from the sun, the moon and the oceans.  Each crystal has its own energy, healing properties and benefits that affect us spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  The energy from a crystal helps transform our energy and improves areas of our lives, manifesting a positive outcome.

Crystals are a mindful tool.  Above all, mind power is the strongest power we possess.  The mind has unlimited potential to produce thoughts.  Thoughts are energy.  What we think, we become. Therefore, positive thoughts and beliefs placed in our minds can produce the results needed to improve our lives.  Placing crystals on or near us serves as a reminder of their benefits and helps us stay in a positive state.

There are hundreds of different types of crystals to choose from.  crystal energy

For those new to crystal energy healing, here are a few examples:

Problems with focus?  Fluorite will clear mental and emotional confusion.

Looking for increased abundance?  Citrine will help manifest your dreams.

Seeking motivation?  Carnelian is a powerful stone to get creative juices flowing.

Looking for love?  Rose Quartz helps realign the heart, amplifying feelings of self-love, as well as unconditional love.

Seeking transition? Moonstone is the stone for new beginnings and helps with inner growth and strength.  It also promotes inspiration, success, and good fortune.

Difficulty letting go of what no longer serves you?  Black Tourmaline will help release unwanted patterns and negative energy. It is also a great stone that provides protection against another’s negative energy.